There are many different types of domestic abuse.  It often involves an abuser having power and control over a victim and it can happen to anyone, at any time.

As a victim of domestic abuse, the most important thing you can do is accept it’s happening to you and tell someone.

If you think someone you know may be a victim of domestic abuse, the most important thing you can do is be supportive, to be open-minded and to listen. The victim may not want to admit that he or she is in an abusive relationship. As an outsider, it may be hard to understand why victims don’t leave abusive relationships, or why they return to them, but it is important that the victim knows you are there to provide them with support and help when it is needed most.

It is not easy to support someone experiencing domestic abuse. There are many organisations that can offer support and advice to you and the person you know.

GLP Solicitors provide specialist help to support victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and rape to submit claims for compensation.  We have an industry leading team ready to listen and advise all victims of abuse, assault and rape, with no obligation and free initial advice.