How making a claim to the CICA can help victims obtain closure following a crime

Being a victim of a crime can be a deeply traumatic experience that leaves emotional, psychological, and physical injuries. For many, the road to recovery is long and fraught with challenges, and achieving closure can seem like an elusive goal. However, one avenue that can significantly aid in this process is making a claim to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). This UK Government scheme provides compensation to victims of violent crime, offering not just financial relief, but also a pathway toward emotional and psychological closure.

Understanding the role of CICA

The CICA is a government-run organisation that compensates victims of violent crime in England, Scotland, and Wales. Established in 1964, the CICA aims to provide financial recompense to those who have suffered physical or mental injuries as a result of criminal acts. The compensation covers various areas, including physical injuries, psychological trauma, lost earnings, and special expenses like medical costs.

While the compensation itself is vital for many victims, the process of making a claim can offer more than just financial benefits—it can also be a key part of the healing process.

Acknowledgment and validation

One of the most significant psychological benefits of making a claim to the CICA is the sense of acknowledgment and validation it can provide to victims. The process of applying for compensation requires the victim to recount their experience and present evidence of the harm they have suffered. This formal recognition by a government body that a crime was committed against them, and that it had a serious impact, can be immensely validating.

For many victims, this acknowledgment is a crucial step toward closure. It serves as an official recognition that the harm they endured was real, and that they are deserving of justice and support. This validation can be particularly important for those who may have struggled to be believed or supported by others in their lives.

Financial stability and support

Crime often brings about not just emotional and physical pain but also financial hardship. Medical bills, therapy costs, and loss of income due to the inability to work can create an additional burden for victims who are already struggling to cope with the aftermath of a crime. Compensation from the CICA can alleviate some of these financial pressures, allowing victims to focus on their recovery rather than worrying about their financial stability.

While money cannot erase the trauma of a crime, financial compensation can provide victims with the means to access better healthcare, counselling, and other support services. These resources are essential for long-term recovery and can empower victims to rebuild their lives, contributing to a sense of closure.

Navigating the legal system after being a victim of crime can feel overwhelming and intimidating. However, the process of making a claim to the CICA can also be empowering. It gives victims a structured way to seek justice, even if the criminal who harmed them was not caught or convicted.

By engaging with the CICA, victims take an active role in their recovery. The process requires them to gather evidence, provide detailed accounts of their experiences, and often engage with legal professionals. This active participation can help restore a sense of control and agency that is often lost in the aftermath of a crime.

For many, the act of pursuing compensation is a way of standing up for themselves and refusing to be defined solely by the victimisation they suffered. This empowerment can be a significant factor in achieving closure and moving forward.

Psychological healing and moving forward

Closure is not just about ending something; it’s about finding a way to move forward with one’s life. The financial compensation from the CICA, along with the emotional and psychological benefits of acknowledgment, validation, and empowerment, can help victims begin to rebuild their lives.

Engaging with the CICA can also provide victims with a sense of justice, even in cases where criminal proceedings have not led to a conviction. Knowing that an official body has recognised their suffering and provided compensation can be a crucial part of the healing process.

Moreover, the compensation itself can be used to access therapeutic services that support mental health and well-being. Whether through counselling, therapy, or other forms of support, these services can help victims process their trauma and move toward a place of emotional stability and peace.


Making a claim to the CICA is more than just a means of securing financial compensation—it is a critical step in the journey toward recovery and closure for many victims of crime. By providing acknowledgment, financial support, empowerment, and access to psychological healing, the CICA plays a vital role in helping victims rebuild their lives after the trauma of crime. For those seeking a way to move forward, engaging with the CICA can be a powerful tool in their pursuit of justice, healing, and ultimately, closure and at GLP Solicitors we are experts at helping victims do just that.

How can GLP Solicitors can help

Navigating the legal process following an injury in a riot can be daunting. At GLP Solicitors, we have the experience and expertise to help you explore all possible avenues for compensation. Whether you’re seeking to make a claim through the CICA or pursuing a personal injury claim, our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Contact us today for a consultation, and let us help you secure the compensation you deserve.

Why choose GLP Solicitors?

At GLP Solicitors, our aim is to support victims of violent crime. We are committed to providing the highest level of legal expertise and compassionate care to those who have been affected by a violent crime. Our nationally renowned team is ready to assist you at every stage of the process, from filing claims to securing compensation and signposting you to support services.

If you or someone you know has been affected by a violent crime, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help you rebuild and move forward with confidence.

Contact us today for a free consultation. Let GLP Solicitors stand by your side in this challenging time.