General Injuries Choose your injury typeBurnsMajor paralysis other than as a result of brain damageMedically recognised illness or condition (excluding minor and mental injury)Mental injuryPeripheral sensory nerve damagePeripheral motor nerve damage not otherwise compensated for - permanent disability [group Burns clear_on_hide] £33,000 Affecting multiple areas of body covering over 25% of total skin, with significant scarring [/group] [group Majorparalysisotherthanasaresultofbraindamage] upto £110,000 Hemiplegia (impairment in motor or sensory function of one half of body) mild - £27,000 moderate - £55,000 severe - £110,000 UPTO £175,000 Paraplegia (impairment in motor or sensory function of the lower extremities) minimal - £110,000 moderate but substantially incomplete - £110,000 substantially complete - £175,000 UPTO £250,000 "Quadraplegia/tetraplegia (impairment in motor or sensory function of upper and lower extremities) substantially incomplete injury to both upper and lower limb levels - £44,000 substantially incomplete to upper limb level but complete to lower limb level - £175,000 substantially complete to both upper and lower limb levels - £250,000 [/group] [group Medicallyrecognisedillnessorconditionexcludingminorandmentalinjury clear_on_hide] Moderately disabling disorder where the symptoms and disability persist for 28 weeks or more from the incident or date of onset lasting 28 weeks or more not permanent £1,500 permanent £6,200 Seriously disabling disorder where the symptoms and disability persist for 13 weeks or more from the incident or date of onset lasting 13 weeks or more up to 28 weeks £2,400 lasting 28 weeks or more not permanent £6,200 permanent £22,000 [/group]